Saturday, May 19, 2007

Exposure from The Times...

"The recently-founded Paola Boys Hibs Ultras were clearly intent on raising their profile as they decorated their section of the main stand with giant flags and banners while several fans waved black and white flags and balloons.

At the other side of the enclosure, the hordes of Valletta supporters, spearheaded by their hard-core White Warriors group, also unfurled huge streamers and colourful flags. White and red balloons were also released into the air when the teams emerged from the tunnel while flares and smoke cans didn't go amiss either."

Kuntent li din id- darba mhux il- Buzu biss imma anke Kevin Azzopardi irrefera ghaz zewg gruppi tal- Ultras rispettivi.


Anonymous said...

imisskom taqraw l-istorja "ULTRAS" ta' Immanuel Mifsud. u dak izomm mal-HIbs kumbinazjoni.

Adrian Gambin said...


Anonymous said...

hemm ktieb jismu l-istejjer strambi ta' sara sue sammut

Anonymous said...

Ktib fuq l- Ultras jew just jissemew? Nista nsib xi haga online?

Anonymous said...

le muhx ktieb shih. storja wahda fi ktieb